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Welcome to the BCS Aberdeen Branch Website

Aberdeen is one of the society’s four Scottish branches, and serves both North-East and Northern Scotland.

The role of the branch is to provide local representation for IS professionals, and help promote IS to the wider community. We achieve this through a varied annual events programme which include lectures, seminars and social events. In addition, the branch also acts a forum to enable networking between IS professionals. We also provide local support for the BCS’s nationally-managed competence and professional standards services.

Visit our events page for information on visiting speakers

Video: Personal digital health tracking: (when) will two worlds collide?

Watch a recording of our “Personal digital health tracking: (when) will two worlds collide?” talk by Dr Heather May Morgan, Lecturer in Applied Health Sciences, University of Aberdeen on Wednesday, 28 April 2021.

Visit our Videos page for a list of all of our recorded events.

A piece of history: BCS Aberdeen in 1976

In 1976, Evening Express published an article about a visit to Aberdeen and talk from then BCS president Garry Fisher.

The BCS Aberdeen Branch had been going for 6 years and our then Branch Chair, Fred Damodaran, is pictured in the original article below. Our current Branch Secretary, Prof. Peter Gray, was one of the 6 Committee members back then.