This Web Site has been produced, in conjunction with the Joint Programme of Events Booklet, from information submitted by the various engineering institutions and societies active in the North of Scotland and which constitute the Northern Group of Professional Engineering and Technology, Scotland (PET Scotland)
The accuracy of the information is as up-to-date as available at the time of going to press, but where information is incomplete; please refer to the contact address for the specific institutions involved.
Members of participating bodies are invited to attend any of the meetings listed and to take part in any associated discussions, as part of the Learned Society and continuing Professional Development functions of the Engineering Institutions and Societies involved.
In general, admission to meetings is free, but in some instances charges may be made for admission to Lectures, Conferences or Seminars. In such cases members are advised to check in advance.
The costs of production of this site and booklet have been borne by contributions from the participating bodies, the PET Scotland and by donations from some engineering companies, to whom credit is given elsewhere.
Events Calendar
This site is hosted by the British Computer Society on behalf of PET Scotland |